AWS CloudFormation vs Google Cloud Deployment Manager - Which Infrastructure Provisioning Tool is Better?

July 22, 2021

AWS CloudFormation vs Google Cloud Deployment Manager - Which Infrastructure Provisioning Tool is Better?

Have you ever found yourself lost in the world of cloud computing while struggling to find the perfect infrastructure provisioning tool for you? Look no further, as we compare AWS CloudFormation and Google Cloud Deployment Manager - two of the most popular infrastructure provisioning tools available today.

What are AWS CloudFormation and Google Cloud Deployment Manager?

AWS CloudFormation is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to provision and manage AWS resources using code. It gives you the ability to create templates of your infrastructure so that you can automate the creation and management of resources in a consistent and repeatable manner.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager, on the other hand, is a service provided by Google Cloud that lets you define your infrastructure in code, as well as manage and deploy your Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and other cloud services with templates using YAML or Python.


Ease of Use

AWS CloudFormation, while being a serverless service, can be tricky to implement even for the most seasoned developers. Its relatively high learning curve can make it a challenge to work with, as it requires a thorough understanding of AWS technology and resources.

Google Cloud Deployment Manager is simple and easy to use, thanks to its YAML and Python-based templates. However, once you start going deeper into customizing your templates, it may get a bit complicated.

Resource Coverage

AWS is known for providing a vast number of resources and services, meaning that CloudFormation has a broader coverage of resources and a more extensive list of templates. Google, on the other hand, has a growing list of resources and templates, but it is currently limited compared to the comprehensive coverage of AWS CloudFormation.

Cross-Platform Support

AWS CloudFormation is designed to work exclusively with AWS resources and services, while Google Cloud Deployment Manager works only with GCP and other cloud services. AWS provides resources to integrate with other platforms, while Google does not offer such services.


AWS CloudFormation is known for its scalability, stability, and reliability thanks to AWS's vast infrastructure. Google Cloud Deployment Manager provides excellent performance, but some users have reported experiencing occasional latency issues.


Both AWS CloudFormation and Google Cloud Deployment Manager are great infrastructure provisioning solutions. However, users' choice depends on their preferential requirements and objectives. If you are deep into AWS technology, AWS CloudFormation is the way to go. On the other hand, if you are a fan of Google Cloud services, Google Cloud Deployment Manager is an excellent pick.

All-in-all, the final choice is up to your preference, objectives, and use cases. We hope our comparison gives you an insight into the advantages, limitations, and differences of AWS CloudFormation vs. Google Cloud Deployment Manager.


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